Pension Products and Services
We offer a broad range of self invested pensions to cater for varying client needs from simple, low cost SIPPs to more complex SSASs. We operate a menu style fee structure so charges are fully transparent and easy to understand.
The ML Invest SIPP is a platform-based SIPP administered available on the ML Invest platform. Allowable investments will include all assets available on the platform.
SSAS (Small Self-Administered Scheme)
Acknowledged as being the most flexible type of pension arrangement.
A SSAS must be established by a sponsoring employer and can have up to 11 members which are usually directors of the business. SSASs are ideally suited for most Small to Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs).
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SIPP (Self-Invested Personal Pensions)
A type of personal pension offering greater investment flexibility.
There are a range of SIPP options available with restricted investments lists providing a lower cost solution or full bespoke SIPPs offering wider investment flexibility.
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01275 379 200