How We Use Cookies

We sometimes place small data files on your computer. These are known as cookies. Most websites do this.

Our cookies aren’t used to identify you personally. They’re just here to make the site work better for you. Indeed, you can manage and/or delete these small files as you wish.

To learn more about cookies and how to manage them, visit or

Measuring website usage (Google Analytics)

We use Google Analytics to collect information about how people use this site. We do this to make sure it’s meeting its users’ needs and to understand how we could do it better.

Google Analytics stores information about what pages you visit, how long you are on the site, how you got here and what you click on. We do not collect or store your personal information (e.g. your name or address) so this information cannot be used to identify who you are. We do not allow Google to use or share our analytics data.

The following cookies are set by Google Analytics:

_gaThis cookie assigns a unique identifier to each user, allowing the platform to track repeated visits and individual behavior over time. It's key to distinguishing unique users.2 years
_ga_<container-id>This cookie stores session-related information such as the user's activity during a session, helping Google Analytics to measure metrics like session duration, navigation between pages, and user engagement.2 years

You can opt out of Google Analytics cookies on all sites by visiting this page on Google.

Moneypenny Live Chat

We use essential cookies to make the Moneypenny chat service work. These cookies are required to enable core functionality such as security or the transaction of chat messages. Without them our visitors wouldn’t be able to use the live chat service.

The following cookies are, or may be set by Moneypenny:

Cookie NameFunctionTTL
MoneypennyChatSessionThis cookie is set during an active chat in progress to keep track of the session so that a chat can persist across the pages of the website.16min
MoneypennyNoProactiveChatThis cookie is set to either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and is used to control whether or not the Moneypenny chat widget should re-prompt the visitor with a proactive chat message. This is based on the Moneypenny admin configuration setting “Proactive chat re-engagement delay”. Once the chat box was closed or the chat was responded to by the visitor, the cookie will be set to “no” until the re-engagement delay has expired.30min
MoneypennyChatPollTracking of the index of the chat messages received.16min
MoneypennyChatViewThis cookie enforces that only one chat window is available for the user per active chat session. Once a new page is reloaded, the previous chat window will be removed.16min
MoneypennyBannedThis cookie records when a visitor is banned from chatting by an agent (ban command) to prevent future chats. This will disable the chat but not affect the offline message functionality when enabled.30 days
MoneypennyChatWindowThis cookie records the position and minimized status of the chat box when the visitor navigates across the page.30min
MoneypennyMinimizeStashCookieThis cookie is used for the detection of new messages while the chat is minimized, so that messages persist during navigation across site pages.0 (per click only)
MoneypennyAgentAvatarThis cookie stores the agent image URL in order to show the agent avatar on the minimized state of the chat.16min
MoneypennyApprovalStores the visitor’s acceptance of the Approval Checker so that they are not prompted by it again if they have accepted it within 1 year.1 year
MoneypennyChatMessageThis cookie keeps track of a partial message entered by the visitor into the chat input area, and guarantees persistence of that message across page changes on the same domain.16min
MoneypennyRefThis cookie records the origin and site entry to display the referring URL to the chat agent, giving insight into the source of the visitor and the context of the chat.120min
MoneypennyUserEmailThis cookie stores the visitor email address to pre-populate the prechat or offline form ’email’ field.1 year
MoneypennyUserAliasThis cookie stores the visitor alias (name) and is used in subsequent chats to avoid asking for the name again.1 year
MoneypennyHistoryKeeps track of the visitor's visits and last chats. It displays the previous five chat transcripts to the agent to speed up resolutions.1 year
MoneypennyVisitTracks the visitor visits and helps identify returning visitors. Used for the ‘returning visitor’ proactive chat rule.0 (session only)

For more detailed information, please see the cookie policy at Moneypenny.

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